System comparison

IMRT Plan QA with IQM

Author: Sonja Wegener, et al, Unversity Clinic Wurzburg (Germany) Summary: Evaluation of the IQM System for IMRT plan QA. The IQM Calculation algorithm has been validated for a wide spectrum of clinical IMRT cases. The error sensitivity of the IQM System has been tested with a variety of induced errors. The error detection capability of […]

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In vivo dosimetry of stereotactic radiation therapy

Author: Jianguo Qian, et al, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (USA) Summary: The author draws the preliminary conclusion that IQM is a stable dosimetric system and can detect dosimetric deviations caused by small leaf errors in stereotactic radiation therapy. The sensitivity to leaf errors is more pronounced for relatively small fields (i.e., small targets) in SBRT.

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