The IQM System has been thoroughly evaluated by some of the world's leading radiation therapy centers.
Select your topic of interest from 15 articles, 17 posters,
19 presentations and 3 technical white papers.
Optimization of DLG and MLC transmission factors
Stephen Martinez, et al, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville (USA)
The clinical physics group aimed to compare the capability of the iQM system for optimizing MLC model specific parameters: Dynamic Leaf Gap and Transmission Factor to a IBA MatriXX spatial array. IQM shows a VERY small variation in the measured results and is able to clearly determine the best match of the minimum percent absolute error between predicted and measured signal. Download the poster to learn that IQM facilitated a higher resolution (0.01 mm) measurement than was possible with MatriXX..
External beams patient dose verification based on the IQM output signals
Courage Mahuvava, et al, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein (South Africa)
The purpose of this study was to make use of IQM field output signals to calculate the MUs delivered through an arbitrary treatment field in order to convert Monte Carlo-generated dose distributions in a patient model into absolute dose.
One year clinical experience with the IQM
Marlies Pasler, Lake Constance Radiation Oncology, Singen-Friedrichshafen (Germany)
Download the full presentation summarizing the first year’s clinical experience of using IQM for online QA during every single treatment fraction.. This presentation was given by Marlies Pasler, PhD at the ASTRO 2019 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL
Machine QA with IQM
Luis Fong de los Santos, Rochester (USA)
Download the full presentation with the preliminary results of a multi-center workgroup to implement TG-142 Machine QA with IQM. This presentation was given by Luis Fong de los Santos, PhD at the ASTRO 2019 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL
Plan QA with IQM (German)
Sonja Wegener, et al, Unversity Clinic Wurzburg (Germany)
Clinical experience using IQM for VMAT Plan QA.
Sensitivity evaluation of two QA system to organ-dose variation of VMAT plans
Oluwaseyi M. Oderinde, et al, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein (South Africa)
Assess the dose variation sensitivity of two quality assurance (QA) devices (IQM and MatriXXEvolution)
White Paper: Matching with IQM – The GenesisCare experience
Kilian Michel, et al, iRT Systems, Koblenz (Germany)
Four (4) Elekta Versa HD Linear accelerators at different sites within a network of 16 cancer centers were matched for the 6MV beam energy. As part of commissioning IQM detectors at each of the 16 sites we investigated the agreement of IQM and waterphantom measurements among the four matched machines and implemented a universal beam model to calculate predicted IQM measurements for them.
Sensitivity of the IQM to errors of VMAT plans
Gary Razinskas, et al, Unversity Clinic Wurzburg (Germany)
This article verifies the accuracy of the signal prediction for the Synergy Agility MLC. Tolerance criteria for VMAT plan verification with the IQM were obtained from the observed sensitivity for the detection of incorrectly delivered plans. This study used 60 VMAT plans to compare the measured and the calculated signal.
Photon Beam QA with IQM: A Multicenter Study
Andrew Veres, et al, Multi-centre study of 3 RT departments
The clinical research group developed and validated an efficient machine performance and quality assurance (QA) protocol using the IQM system. The authors concluded that the IQM system provides a very efficient process for performing quality control and quality assurance of a linear accelerator. The IQM system provides an automated approach for an efficient dosimetric characterization of a linear accelerator.
Comparison of MLC error sensitivity of various QA systems for VMAT Plan QA
Masahide Saito, et al, University of Yamanachi (Japan)
This article compares the MLC error sensitivity of various measurement devices for VMAT pre‐treatment quality assurance (QA).
A new wedge-shaped ion chamber component for BEAMnrc to model the IQM System
Oluwaseyi Michael Oderinde, et al, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein (South Africa)
Development of a new component module (CM) to accurately model the IQM to be used in the BEAMnrc Monte Carlo (MC) code
Real-time beam monitoring for error detection in IMRT plans and impact on DVH
Livia Marrazzo, et al, Multi-centre study of 3 RT departments
This article shows the ability of detecting small delivery errors with a transmission detector for online monitoring of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) treatments. The authors also show how the IQM signal deviations strongly correlate with changes in the dose-volume-histogram for the PTV and OAR’s.
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